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Material Request Form
We are located at 6250 Westpark Dr. Ste 305 Houston,Tx 77057.Do you have transportation to pick up materials?
What materials are a priority for you & your family? (Check all that apply) Please specify sizes and preferences in box below. Please note we DO NOT distribute diapers to expecting families.

Please Read Carefully

Please understand that all information submitted is confidential. 

By completing this form and checking the box below, you agree and understand that all donations/goods received are given under charitable intentions. The Donor shall in no event be liable for any claim whatsoever by the recipient, or any third party, for any issue involving the goods or the condition of the goods received. You agree and understand that donations are given based on supply and although we do our best to provide the material requested, there is no guarantee rendered for the request submitted. You will be notified via phone/email in regard to the status of your submission, should the Donor receive no response from the recipient to complete this request, the recipient's submission can be subject to rejection at the Donor's discretion. 

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